Successful IOF Tour on secondary fracture prevention in Mexico

How can we ensure that all high-risk patients with a fracture are assessed and treated quickly in order to reduce the risk of another fracture? This was the question that was answered in the two editions of the IOF Secondary Fracture Prevention Tour held on October 28th and November 5th. The first one was held in the framework of the 1st Virtual Congress of the Mexican Federation of Orthopaedic and Traumatology Schools (FEMECOT); and the second one was held with the support of the Mexican School of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (CMO) and the Mexican Association of Bone and Mineral Metabolism (AMMOM); all members of the Committee of National Societies.
The meetings were held as part of the IOF Capture the Fracture® Partnership initiative with the aim of presenting Post-Fracture Care (PFC) Coordination programmes, such as Fracture Liaison Services (FLS), as a cost-effective tool for secondary fracture prevention. The emphasis was on the burden that fragility fractures, a direct consequence of osteoporosis; on patients and the health system – focusing on the Mexican health system.
The virtual platform connected 106 medical professionals, mainly orthopaedists, traumatologists, endocrinologists and general practitioners. Twenty three percent already run an FLS in their medical centres, while 33% are interested in starting one. Forty-seven percent were public health workers and, although the IOF Tour focused on the Mexican health system, there were also participants from Argentina, Brazil and Chile who wanted to hear the experiences and best practices described by the Mexican CTFP mentors.
Mentors are instrumental for the mentorship pillar of the CTFP initiative, to raise awareness of the benefits of PFC Coordination programmes/FLS.
Key topics covered by the programme included:
- Economic, social and individual consequences of fractures due to fragility
- Resources to support the creation and sustainability of your PFC Coordination programme/ FLS
- Discussion with experts on the obstacles and challenges in the implementation of a PFC Coordination programme/ FLS in the institutions of the region
The speakers included:
- Dr. Francisco Torres Naranjo, Medical Specialist in Gynaecology, Master in Public Health, Mentor of the IOF CTF Programme
- Dr. Andrea Olascoaga, Medical Specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine, with High Speciality in Orthopaedic Rehabilitation and Master in Research in Medical Sciences, Mentor of the IOF CTF Programme
- Dr. Juan Carlos Viveros, Surgeon. Geriatrician, CTF FLS Mentor Mexico with IOF certification
- Phd. Lucía Méndez Sánchez, Researcher in Medical Sciences, Doctorate in Health Sciences, with specialization in clinical epidemiology, CTF FLS Mentor Mexico with IOF certification.
During both events, the Mexican mentors were accompanied by Dr. Rafael Pinedo Villanueva, Associate Professor and Researcher in Health Economics at the Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford, who began the conference with a presentation on why it is necessary to have a strategy for secondary prevention of fractures at the hospital level.
Dedicating time for a Q& A session is paramount in all IOF activities, and the IOF Tour was no exception. At the end of each meeting, a "Discussion Panel" was formed, moderated by outstanding Mexican professionals in the field of orthopaedics and traumatology, members of IOF member societies. On October 28th, the panel was moderated by Dr. Roberto López Cervantes (Orthopaedic and Traumatology Doctor, member of the Scientific Committee of FEMECOT, responsible for the area of "Osteoporosis and Fragility Fracture" of FEMECOT) and Dr. José Máximo Gómez Acevedo (Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hospital de especialidades San Francisco de Asis. Former President of FEMECOT, President of the FEMECOT Foundation). On November 5th , Dr. Juan Manuel Viruega Ávalos, Orthopaedic Doctor and Joint Surgeon, Head of the Specialisation Chapter in Bone Metabolism, Mexican College of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (CMO).
A total of 73% of the attendees rated the scientific content of the meeting as excellent, and among the reasons listed for participation , "knowing how an FLS works" and "acquiring tools to improve FLS and make them sustainable".
Topics of greatest interest identified by attendees
Finally, the IOF Tour offered attendees the opportunity to participate in an individual mentoring session organized after the IOF Tour. About 10% of the attendees took advantage of this opportunity and 1 on 1 meetings with the mentors were set up.
Find out more about the Capture the Fracture® Partnership