Putting the spotlight on FLS achievements

As the year comes to an end, Capture the Fracture® would like to congratulate all the Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) that have resubmitted a Best Practice Framework (BPF) questionnaire for assessment of their FLS service and have improved their ratings on the Map of Best Practice over the past three months.
Below is a list of the FLS which have improved their ratings:
Blue to Silver
- National Taiwan University Hospital, Hsin-Chu Branch – Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Hospital de Caridade Sao Vicente – Jundiaí, Brazil
- Hospital De Força Aérea Do Galeão (HFAG) – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Bronze to Silver
- Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana – Bogotá, Colombia (Read news in Spanish)
- Musgrave Park Hospital – Belfast, Ireland
- SES Hospital de Caldas – Caldas, Colombia
Bronze to Gold
- Waitemata District Health Board – Takapuna, New Zealand
CTF congratulates these FLS on achieving measurable improvement in their approaches to patient care and administrative organization.
We thank all for their participation in the Capture the Fracture® program and for their dedication to improving the lives of patients with fragility fractures worldwide.