Call for Candidates – IOF Capture the Fracture® Steering Committee

It has now been ten years since the launch of IOF’s flagship Capture the Fracture® (CTF) program. At the end of 2022 we were very proud to have achieved the important milestone of 800 FLSs in the Network, in addition to CTF’s many other successes over the last decade. For this we applaud the efforts of the former CTF Steering Committee.
Further to this period of growth and achievement, CTF has reached a new phase in its development, commensurate with the ever-changing global backdrop. It has therefore been timely to undertake a review of the relevant structures, including consideration of the underpinning governance. As a result of this process, the IOF Executive Committee has decided to further extend and broaden the CTF program in a more global form, with greater transparency, regional representation and democratic selection of CTF Steering Committee members. To fulfil this aspiration, and in order to achieve the essential alignment with the overall IOF strategy, the reconfigured CTF Steering Committee will be composed of representatives of elected global experts in secondary fracture prevention and FLS, representing all six IOF regions (Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and North America), together with representatives from the IOF Executive Committee. These members will work together to provide expertise and guidance to improve efficiency in the implementation and evaluation of Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) within the framework of the CTF program.
IOF has initiated the call for candidates for appointment to the Capture the Fracture® Steering Committee. From these applications, the IOF Board will appoint experts from each region to sit on the new committee, alongside representatives from the IOF Executive Committee.
We now invite experts with experience in secondary fracture prevention and post-fracture care to consider submitting an application to join the Capture the Fracture® Steering Committee.
After receipt of all applications, the IOF Board will select experts from each region to sit on the new CTF Steering Committee, alongside representatives from the Executive Committee. The membership of the new CTF Steering Committee will be announced at the upcoming World Congress in Barcelona.
Deadline for submission: April 12th, 2023