New: The Blue Book of Fractures Mexico

A joint effort of organizations committed to the care of patients with osteoporosis, its prevention, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation.
Fragility fractures are the most important clinical complication of osteoporosis. Worldwide, one in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 will suffer a fragility fracture in their remaining life span. In Mexico, fragility fractures represent a serious public health problem. One study has found nearly 2,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with growth projected to increase sevenfold by 2050.
The newly published Blue Book of Fractures Mexico is a joint effort of organizations (including the International Osteoporosis Foundation) which are committed to the care of patients with osteoporosis, its prevention, treatment and subsequent rehabilitation. It was presented at the CMO Bone Metabolism Chapter discussion during the 66th National Orthopedics Congress organized by the Mexican College of Orthopedics and Traumatology (CMO). The discussion was led by the editors and co-authors of the book Dr. Patricia Clark and Dr. Alhelí Bremer.
Dr. Jorge Negrete Corona, President of the CMO, said: "It is an honour that within the 66th National Congress of Orthopedics of the CMO, and as part of the 75th anniversary, the presentation of this Blue Book of Fractures is widely presented to the entire medical community. The book represents an important institutional effort between the Mexican College of Orthopedics and Traumatology (CMO), the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and its Faculty of Medicine. It is a valuable document for the national and international medical community."
Dr. Germán Enrique Fajardo Dolci, Director of the UNAM School of Medicine added: "For the UNAM School of Medicine, it is of special interest to keep our students, residents and specialists up to date by promoting the publication of books of this nature. Let us remember that effective medical care for this type of patient requires multidisciplinary coordination and collaboration. Optimizing the quality of care provided to people will undoubtedly favour their recovery, while reducing the economic impact on both the institutions and the patient himself."
The editorial authored by the IOF pointedly highlights the key role played by orthopedists in the prevention of secondary fractures. They are the first to see the fractured patient and, arguably, every fracture patient is "in their hands." They are in a position to ensure good post-fracture care, including initiation of diagnostic testing, treatment and follow-up of osteoporosis. In addition, they can become key drivers of a systematic solution to the problem such as the establishment of a coordinated, multidisciplinary hospital unit to ensure that every fragility fracture patient is identified, diagnosed or assessed (including falls risk) and treated and monitored - units commonly referred to as ‘Fracture Liaison Services’ (FLS). We invite you to visit the IOF's Capture the Fracture® program page which provides information and guidance to help healthcare facilities establish these essential services and achieve long-term sustainability.
Currently, ensuring adequate early prevention and consequent timely treatment of osteoporosis in the population continues to be a challenge within the healthcare system both in Mexico and around the world. When a fracture occurs, health services are still not sufficiently organized to provide adequate management and follow-up.
The Blue Book of Fractures is composed of 20 quick reference chapters that seek to synthesize best practices, as well as optimal standards in the management and care of patients. Throughout these chapters, relevant aspects of bone metabolism, the importance of prevention, detection and treatment of osteoporosis is reviewed. Special emphasis is placed on fragility fractures: how to diagnose them, care for them, treat them, what type of rehabilitation to provide, and how to prevent a second fracture.
Dr. Alheli Bremer Astudillo, Director of the CMO Bone Metabolism chapter, and editor and co-author of the Blue Book said:
"We are very grateful for the great acceptance of the Blue Book of Fractures Mexico. We have been told that it is a practical book, easy to read and understand; we hope it reaches all health professionals involved in the treatment of fragility fractures, so that the prevention of these fractures becomes a reality."