Successful IOF Tour with the National College of Geriatric Medicine in Mexico

On March 20th, the ‘IOF Tour: Approach to Secondary Fracture Prevention in Mexico’ was held in conjunction with the National College of Geriatric Medicine (CONAMEGER).
Mexican mentors from the Capture the Fracture® program presented about the benefits of Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) and answered the questions of all those interested in establishing a unit in their clinic or hospital.
Post-fracture care coordination programs such as FLS are designed to:
- close the care gap in fracture patients, 80% of whom never receive screening and/or treatment for osteoporosis
- improve communication among health care providers by establishing a care pathway for the treatment of patients with fragility fractures.
The live virtual meeting in conjunction with CONAMEGER brought together a total of 68 medical professionals, the main specialties being Geriatrics, Rehabilitation Medicine and Rheumatology. Forty-one per cent of the attendees said they do not have an FLS in their institution, but are interested in forming one in the future.
Yet another goal met in our commitment to preventing fragility fractures and ensuring healthy mobility for all!
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