2nd FLS Workshop of the Saudi Osteoporosis Society

Tomorrow marks the beginning of the virtual 2nd FLS Workshop of the Saudi Osteoporosis Society, held in collaboration with the International Osteoporosis Foundation and Capture the Fracture®. The workshop will be held on September 10-11, 2021 and features local and international speakers. Speakers include Professor Riad Sulaimani, Dr Yousef Saleh, Ms Anastasia Soulié, Dr Rafael Pineda Villanueva, and Dr Kassim Javaid. Joining in the Roundtable and Panel discussions are also Professor Sadat, Dr Salwa Alaidarous, Dr Mona Fouda and Dr Mohammad Mohayya, among others.
Registration is free!
REGISTER HERE: https://bit.ly/SaudiOsteo
See agenda below for complete details: