University Hospital Munich LMU
University of Munich (LMU), Germany
The Capture the Fracture® committee has evaluated the FLS at the Department of General, Trauma, Hand- and Plastic Surgery of the University Hospital Munich (LMU) and has recognized the service with a Silver level.
Located in two centers (Downtown and Grosshadern) the FLS serves a population of 1.4 million people and involves a dedicated, interdisciplinary team of trauma surgeons, osteologists, a geriatrician, physiotherapists and a fully dedicated FLS-nurse. Specialized orthogeriatric care and a focus on secondary fracture prevention were already implemented at the Department more than ten years ago. Since 2010 the Department is embedded as a founding member in the interdisciplinary Center of Osteology at the LMU, certified by the DVO.
Diagnostic and Treatment algorithms according to the DVO-Guidelines are implemented for inpatient patient care of app. 300 hip fractures per year and altogether more than 1500 fragility fractures are treated per year at the Department, including the osteology outpatient clinic. To diagnose osteoporosis standardized questionnaires, physical exam, laboratory test and DXA are initiated on the ward and follow up is established in the outpatient clinic as well as in a network of more than 50 orthopaedic doctors in private practice. Next to individual physiotherapy, patients are offered dedicated physical activity programmes led by physiotherapists and a fully dedicated geriatrician ensures specific orthogeriatric care and falls assessment.
Patient care is documented in the DVO registry and scientific evaluation as well as clinical and basic research studies have been carried out for many years. Members of the local FLS-team have participated in the development of the national osteoporosis guidelines (DVO).
With the recognition as one of the first FLS-services in Germany the interdisciplinary team is highly motivated to further improve dedicated orthogeriatric patient care and secondary fracture prevention according to the Capture the Fracture Best Practice Framework.
Nussbaumstrasse 20,
80336 Munich