IOF participates at 5th meeting of the Club Filières-Fractures

On November 19th the Osteoporosis Research and Information Group (GRIO) hosted the fifth annual meeting of the French Club Filières-Fractures. This meeting brought together leading experts from various disciplines to discuss and provide key updates on post-fracture care in France.
Many key subjects were discussed, including results of case studies carried out including the CROSS and the evaB virtual-FLS vs standard FLS, ortho-geriatric models of care, FLS primary assessment of wrist fractures, Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA), re-fractures seen by the Amiens FLS and many more.
Dr. Philippe Halbout, IOF CEO, presented the Capture the Fracture® (CTF) program, giving a detailed overview of the programme’s objectives and available resources, all at disposal open access on the CTF Resource Centre. He also highlighted the support of the programme in France and gave an outline of the CTF roadmap of collaboration between French experts and the CTF programme in 2022.
This session was followed by a general discussion on key themes from the many subjects covered during the presentations. The meeting closed after a parallel workshop for FLS coordinators took place with a focus on knowledge-sharing and exchange of experience.
Prof. Bernard Cortet, president of GRIO, stated about the meeting,
“The fifth meeting of the Club Filières-Fractures was a stimulating and dynamic event, with latest updates on best practice of FLS, coupled with case study presentations. , The singular focus on improvement of patient care after a fracture shined through the various presentations. Post-fracture care and secondary fracture prevention is always evolving and events such as this provide an opportunity to exchange on best practices and new opportunities to care for patients after a fracture due to osteoporosis.”
Prof. Thierry Thomas, past-president of SFR, added,
“Working on the important topic of post-fracture care is stimulating, not only because of the evolution of the science of the field, but also because of the tangible opportunities to improve patient care and make sure all patients receive adequate post-fracture assessment and care. It has been a very rewarding 5th meeting, with many opportunities highlighted, and I look forward to our continuous collaboration with the Club Filières-Fractures.”
About GRIO
The Osteoporosis Research and Information Group (GRIO) is an association under the Law of 1901 and was created 35 years ago with the objective of prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, whether post-menopausal or not, and with a focus on multidisciplinarity. GRIO's 700 members include rheumatologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, nutritionists, specialists in medical imaging and measurement, epidemiologists, geriatricians, orthopedists, rehabilitation specialists, researchers and a few general practitioners. It is managed by a Steering Committee with members chosen for their complementary skills. Through its composition and its vocation, GRIO has thus been able to disseminate ethical, consensus-based, objective, and independent information in order to fight against this pathology, the harm of which - if nothing is done - can only increase with the lengthening of life expectancy.
About Capture the Fracture®
Capture the Fracture® (CTF) is a multi-stakeholder initiative led by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). The initiative hopes to drive changes at local and international levels, so that secondary fracture prevention becomes a reality. Its aim is to set global best practices for Fracture Liaison Services (FLS), while serving as a benchmark tool to which clinics and hospitals can adhere and aspire to and receive international recognition. The CTF program has a diverse set of tools that provides essential resources and documentation to drive quality improvement in FLS; CTF also offers mentorship programs that support development of FLS at the local level. Currently the CTF network includes 682 FLS in 49 countries worldwide. #CaptureTheFracture
About IOF
The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) is the world's largest nongovernmental organization dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis and related musculoskeletal diseases. IOF members, including committees of scientific researchers as well as 268 patient, medical and research societies, work together to make fracture prevention and healthy mobility a worldwide health care priority. @iofbonehealth