Clínica Qorpo

About the clinic:

Clinica Qorpo was founded in 2016 and brings an innovative concept to care for the health of patients  and quality of life. It integrates in the same structure highly trained professionals from various areas and cutting-edge equipment, enabling the monitoring of each patient's evolution. Currently, about 20 orthopaedists work in the clinic along with other specialities such as rheumatology and endocrinology. Physiotherapists and nutritionists are also part of the multidisciplinary team.


Information about the FLS flow:

The capture of patients is done at the emergency room when patient arrives with a hip fracture and triggers the surgical treatment.  The orthopedic surgeon identifies the fragility facture and refers the patient to Clinica Qorpo, where patient is fully assess, receives AOM and initiates treatment. Monitoring of patients is also done by Clinica Qorpo. Additionaly, other orthopeadic surgeons are engaged and aware to flag every patient with hip, vertebral and/or non-vertebral and refer to the FLS for diagnosis and treatment.

Av. Senador Virgílio Távora, 195
