Kristiansund hospital

Kristiansund hospital is serving a population of 55,000 during weekdays and 120,000 during weekends. Kristiansund Hospital, Norway, is a public hospital localized on the coast in the middle of Norway. The orthopaedic ward covers about 160 hip fractures annually - and – approximately 650 fragility fractures in total. Fracture Liason Service in Kristiansund hospital, directed and lead by Dr.Marianne Folkestad, has been running since 2015.

The hospital’s Orthopaedic department has 8 senior orthopaedic surgeons, 7 residents and 8 interns who all participate in assessing patients with fragility fractures. We have two FLS-nurses who actively identifies patients true inward patient lists and x-ray systems. The FLS unit is based in the Orthopaedic department and works in close collaboration with in-house orthopaedic surgeons, endocrinologists and geriatricians. Our multidisciplinary inpatient orthogeriatric service includes a geriatrician and an occupational therapist, who work exclusively with fragility fracture patients.


Hermann Døhlens vei 1
6508 Kristiansund
